Контакты для прессы



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Представители СМИ, заинтересованные в проведении интервью или получающий комментария от наших специалистов, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами, заполнив форму ниже. Наша пресс-служба не дает ответы на общие вопросы, должности или торговые предложения.

Your Personal Data Controller is ROHLIG SUUS Logistics S.A. with seat in Warsaw (02-235), at ul. Równoległa 4A. The data provided in the form are processed for the following purposes:
1. To respond to a query.
2. To handle on-going contact for professional purposes.

You have the right to demand of the Personal Data Controller: to grant access to your personal data, have it corrected, removed or have its processing restricted, to object to its continued processing, to have it transferred or to file a grievance with a supervisory authority.

You can view the full Information Obligation Clause and your rights on our website under the Privacy Policy tab (Information Clause on the Processing of Personal Data of Individuals Completing “Media Contact” Form). With regard to all other matters related to the processing of personal data by ROHLIG SUUS Logistics S.A. you can contact our Data Protection Officer at: iodo@suus.com.

* Обязательное поле