Если вы еще не решили, чем будете заниматься во время каникул - проведите его с нами в приятной атмосфере (!) в ROHLIG SUUS Logistics.
Для студентов, которые хотят работать и учиться одновременно, мы разработали программу круглогодичной практики. Мы стараемся выбрать удобный для обеих сторон период прохождения практики, который составляет от одного до нескольких месяцев в зависимости от количества занятий студента.
Your Personal Data Controller is ROHLIG SUUS Logistics S.A. with seat in Warsaw (02-235), at ul. Równoległa 4A. The personal data provided in the form is processed to forward requested sales information about the services provided by ROHLIG SUUS Logistics S.A. or Grupa ROHLIG SUUS companies.You have the right to demand of the Personal Data Controller: to grant access to your personal data, have it corrected, removed or have its processing restricted, to object to its continued processing, to have it transferred, withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data (performed before consent had been withdrawn) at any time without this affecting compliance with the processing law or file a grievance with a supervisory authority.You can view the full Information Obligation Clause and your rights on our website under the Privacy Policy tab (Information Clause on the Processing of Personal Data Of Individuals Who Complete “Request a Quote” Form). With regard to all other matters related to the processing of personal data by ROHLIG SUUS Logistics S.A. you can contact our Data Protection Officer at: iodo@suus.com.