ROHLIG SUUS Logistics opens new customs agencies


After opening its own customs agency at the rail terminal in Małaszewicze in early 2017, ROHLIG SUUS Logistics opened two more customs agencies in April, in Poznań and in Rzeszów; the agencies provide comprehensive import and export goods clearance services. The company is currently operating as many as 12 own customs agencies in Poland’s largest cities.

The new locations offer a full range of customs services. Apart from import and export goods clearances, the agencies service customs entries in bonded warehouse and customs warehouse procedures and provide consulting services.

They also provide Intrastat services, taking over the duty to register the trading of goods with EU member states, and represent Customers in proceedings before state authorities, such as the State Sanitary Inspection, Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection and provincial Agricultural and Food Quality Inspectorates, with regards to excise tax and documentation required to complete customs clearances. In some situations, they can also arrange for customs services to be carried out on the Customer’s premises, using simplified procedures.

‘Opening new locations in Rzeszów and Poznań is not only part of our company’s dynamic strategy of developing customs services, but is also a response to the needs of the market and the result of our intention to improve the flexibility of our freight forwarding services. Thanks to our own network of agencies, our Customers are able to enjoy customs services in respect of their goods in handling terminals, logistics warehouses and customs clearance depots operated by the Company, as well as in Customs Offices. The professional software that we use to support our services is connected to the systems of the National Tax Administration, enabling us to check the status of clearance of shipments at every stage of transport’, said Mirosław Kłósek, Customs Services Manager at ROHLIG SUUS Logistics.

The first customs agency operates in the company’s Poznań offices, while the other is located at the Customs Office.

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