ROHLIG SUUS Logistics provides logistics service to the Spontex Polska brand


ROHLIG SUUS Logistics now handles the logistics of Mapa Spontex Polska – a renowned international manufacturer of products for cleaning and hand protection.

The operator is in charge of individual links of the supply chain in aid of the Spontex company, providing services within the scope of full truckload road transport, contract logistics and domestic distribution. The competences of ROHLIG SUUS Logistics encompass also supervision over the storage service, together with a package of additional services, included co-packing of goods, i.e. preparing customised sets to meet specific requirements of the Client’s recipients.

One of the advantages of the operator as the provider of logistics services is the possibility of quick implementation of the Client service process and IT solutions adjusted to the Client’s expectations, automating to a significant extent the systemic operations and, therefore, shortening the lead times and eliminating presumptive manual errors.

Wanting to provide its Clients with optimal quality of service, ROHLIG SUUS Logistics furnished its storage spaces with new shelves intender for handling goods and, as a result, it now runs operations employing about 2000 pallets. The operator has also introduced the so-called “carrier selection management” service dedicated to the Client. Depending on the final place of delivery, amount of goods and type of contractor’s commercial agreements with end recipients, the program created, implemented into the WMS system, will decide whether a given delivery is supposed to be carried out through a courier or through the distribution system of ROHLIG SUUS – in order to optimise the costs and time of delivery.

“Every time before commencing collaboration with a Client we carry out the analysis of the most optimal location for provision of our services, taking into account both the places of manufacturing and the structure of deliveries that the client makes to their recipients. Thus, we perform not only the function of the contractor, but also of an advisor able to indicate to the Client the solutions that are the most advantageous to them. In relation to that, we decided that the operations for this client are going to be run by our branch office in Łódź,” says Anna Galas, Head of Contract Logistics Development in ROHLIG SUUS Logistics.

The final choice of the Polish company as a provider of logistics services was based also upon comprehensive handling of the supply chain, encompassing, among others, operator’s own distribution network and their experience in implementing multi-product contracts with a well developed co-packing and order picking service. Another significant matter was the flexible and individual approach towards the project, which assumes carrying out a workshop with Client’s participation during initial business analysis in order to discuss and plan the whole process of target distribution, including the temporary collaboration options. The solutions elaborated in this manner provided a basis for preparation of instructions and training for operating departments and drivers.

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