A new location of ROHLIG SUUS Logistics in Łódź – established with Clients and employees in mind


ROHLIG SUUS Logistics opened a new branch office in Łódź with warehouse area of over 10 000 m². The office space occupies nearly 680 m² of the building, while the rest of it was allocated for handling operations within the framework of contract logistics and a terminal used for handling domestic and international part-load consignments. This change in location results from the dynamic growth of the operator. The new logistics centre is going to improve the quality of services provided, giving an almost twofold increase in handling capabilities and ensuring quicker and more fluent Customer service.

The branch office combines a part-load consignment handling terminal (thirty docks, external ramp for handling distribution vehicles) and a class A high storage warehouse. The operator offers the regional Clients an opportunity to collaborate within the framework of domestic transport (including handling the e-commerce channel) and international transport, providing also the storage, completion and transshipment services.

“The size of the previous location was 6 800 m² and it was fitted with fourteen docks,” says Artur Malarski, head of the Łódź branch office of ROHLIG SUUS Logistics. “In view of the growing number of Clients and an almost threefold increase in sales, its handling capabilities turned out to be insufficient. We estimate that during the next year the value of projects of the branch office in Łódź is going to exceed 90 million PLN,” he adds.

Next to the building becoming adjusted to handling contract logistics operations, it was also fitted with environmentally friendly solutions. The whole facility received LED lighting and, additionally, motions sensors were installed in warehouse alleys in order to limit the energy consumption and, subsequently, CO2 emissions. Moreover, there were employed large roof skylights, thanks to which the area of the terminal is additionally illuminated with natural light for most of the day.

“In ROHLIG SUUS Logistics , next to implementing environmentally friendly solutions, we also care for the work comfort of our employees. We designed a large social space since we employ over seventy people in the branch office, the majority of whom have been working with us for many years. Our employees can take advantage of large cafeterias, convenient dressing rooms and the so-called chillout rooms. Our new branch office was established also as a result of their dedication to their everyday work”, Artur Malarski underlines.

Similarly to the previous location, the newly opened logistics centre is located in near vicinity of the A1 highway (about 5 km away, at the address ul. Dostawcza 3a). At the same time, the branch office is located closer to the city centre, which makes it much easier to distribute the consignments to recipients and, additionally, enables the employees to use public transport and Łódź Agglomeration Railway (Polish: Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna). Locating the branch office within the city itself is a very significant choice appreciated by both employees and clients of the company, thanks to which they can save over an hour a day on commuting, especially when compared to other logistics centres, located over twenty kilometres away from Łódź.


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