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E-commerce shipments, how the size of the package determines the choice of delivery


Online stores offer their customers various forms of goods delivery. These forms are conditioned not only by the individual preferences of the buyer but also by the size of the package. The offer of market services of delivery includes, among others, packstations, courier service or delivery by a logistics operator.

The first two options combine small size and fixed maximum weight of shipments (up to 25 kg for packstations, up to 30 - 32 kg in the courier service), and distinguish the place of service’s realization. Customers who wish to independently decide on the place and time of receipt of the package will choose packstations because they are available around the clock. Consumers who prefer the direct delivery of the shipment, will order a courier service. In the case of purchase of goods of a large span of dimensions, including the non-palletized type, that go beyond the capabilities of packstations and couriers, it is worth to use the services of an experienced logistics operator.

The dynamic development of the e-commerce market, causes that the customers more likely buy over the Internet not just small products, but also garden furniture, bathroom fittings, and sports equipment such as bikes or gym equipment. Compared to packages of standard sizes, a professional transport of such unusual items carries with it certain logistical challenges. Starting the delivery service of products of a large span of dimensions ROHLIG SUUS Logistics conducted a special training of its distribution network in the field of new rules and procedures for delivery, provided an appropriate equipment and a double crew of drivers for particularly difficult transports.

According to Teresa Bukalska, Project Manager in ROHLIG SUUS Logistics - not without significance remain also modern system solutions, that provide full information on the type and exact dimensions of the shipment. The data provided allows to plan in detail the transport and the possible need for a double crew of drivers or other additional services. -

With the development of the e-commerce market, the consumers increasingly come to expect from online stores additional services, including bringing in the purchased goods, its unpacking or delivery within non-standard hours. In response to the still increasing needs of the customers, ROHLIG SUUS Logistics has expanded its services with the so-called “white gloves” - the packaging of items with special care. The operator also provides service of notification, through which the customer receives e-mail and telephone notification about the upcoming shipment, just after it is loaded on the distribution truck. The purchaser may also agree with the driver a convenient time of receipt of goods, while agreeing the date of delivery.

As pointed out by Teresa Bukalska - the customers of e-shops opt for fast and convenient delivery, which does not require them to leave their place of residence, or bring in the heavy equipment by their own. Such needs keep arising more often and create additional services. These are also an example for e-shops and logistics operators that carefully watch the market, what new ideas are necessary to implement. - adds the representative of ROHLIG SUUS.

In addition to the traditional forms of e-commerce deliveries, a totally new proposal appeared on the market that includes the transportation of shipments using drones. As we learn from the media, it's a very innovative solution but still limited for example by shipment weight (up to 2 kg).

