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ROHLIG SUUS is one of Poland’s top logistics companies


Polish daily "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna" has published the results of the 22nd edition of its TSL ranking. ROHLIG SUUS Logistics has again been ranked among the top companies in category ‘TSL revenues – logistics services’, coming in fifth place.

The company has recorded excellent results in respect of all types of freights, posting revenue of almost PLN 700m for 2016 and growth dynamic of 116%, representing an increase of almost PLN 100 in comparison to 2015 – the largest organic growth among 10 biggest Polish logistics operators.

‘The results of the ranking confirm that our long-term, consistently applied strategy has enabled us to attain a stable market position’, said Andrzej Kozłowski, Member of the Board of Directors of ROHLIG SUUS Logistics. The strategy involves building a broad, but flexible range of services, and ensuring quick reaction times to the needs of customers, whom ROHLIG SUUS often provides with consulting services.

‘In 2016, we significantly developed our range of available railway routes to the Far East, in particular China. We currently provide services 7 days a week, with lead times of 12 to 14 days, and complete deliveries to final recipients across Europe thanks to our well-established international LCL route network. Our air freight services have also been growing dynamically – we have concentrated mostly on working with the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food industries. We have also invested in contract logistics, opening new warehouses and expanding existing facilities. Furthermore, we have made considerable effort to develop additional e-commerce services, a trend we intend to continue in the coming years. The development of our company in the directions mentioned above enables us to design complete supply chain for our customers, both globally and domestically’, added the company’s spokesman.

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