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ROHLIG SUUS Logistics standardizes the handling of e-commerce shipments


ROHLIG SUUS Logistics as one of the first logistics operators on the Polish TSL market standardizes the services for shipments of e-commerce. The introduction of uniform standards for handling online stores, raises its quality and will increase the company's competitiveness.

The decision to implement the standardization is dictated by the dynamic development of the e-commerce market and increasing customer expectations for high-quality additional services, which provide the convenience of delivery to the final recipient. Data shows that 22% of domestic deliveries of ROHLIG SUUS Logistics are deliveries to individual recipients (B2C), and the number is steadily increasing. What's more, the consumers are increasingly willing to buy via the Internet not only small items but also products with larger dimensions that go beyond the capabilities of couriers. ROHLIG SUUS Logistics has competence and extensive experience in this type of shipments, which provides the operator with an advantage in this segment. As many as 60% of Polish people declare the acquisition in an e-shop goods such as home appliances or furniture. With such a heavy and oversized shipments the efficient delivery is especially important, supported by the possibility of a service of bringing in the goods, which now accounts for nearly 5% in domestic B2C orders of the operator.

Additionally e-consumers pay special attention to the quality of the entire process of order realization. In addition to price of product, time and cost of delivery, also the aesthetics of the consignment itself, declared date of its delivery or driver’s behavior, are important for them. Online stores want to build customer loyalty and care about their positive experience at every stage of the delivery of the product (from the purchase to receiving) according to the so called customer experience. ROHLIG SUUS Logistics, as the representative of e-store at the final recipient, enhances this process by adopting clear procedures for dealing with standard shipments for B2C clients. At the same time the company realizes projects dedicated to the requirements of individual customers, that go beyond the typical framework of operation.

The standardization includes the shipments defined in the basic e-commerce offer, for maximum parameters in terms of weight and dimensions of the shipment. Introduced standards also apply to a specific range of services, such as: standard (11.00-16.00) and non-standard hours of delivery, access to a document confirming delivery, cash on delivery or notification, by which the recipient receives an information by telephone and SMS about the upcoming delivery. This allows confirmation and possible arrangement of the date and convenient hours of receipt of the goods ordered with the driver. The recently introduced service of collection of old electronics / home appliances will also be regulated, which is a novelty on the market of logistics services. The customer can individually agree the date and time of receipt of goods, making such an order together with the order of delivery, in the framework of the additional service, complementary to the supply of equipment ordered in the e-shop.

These services do not constitute a closed proposal. The operator is developing a standardized package of additional services in order to meet the growing popularity of B2C deliveries and raise the level of final customer satisfaction. - Standardization provides systematization of the whole process of e-commerce deliveries. When the logistics operator does not have a clearly defined standards of conduct with B2C shipments, often works in an unplanned and sometimes even random way, which can significantly affect the quality of the service. Standardization combines all the elements of the e-commerce channel - from one pricing model to a specific range of additional services. - Indicates Daniel Franke, Board Member of ROHLIG SUUS Logistics. - Apart from the basic e-commerce offer, we will continue to realize individual projects of our customers, because the purpose of the introduction of standardization is not to limit the range of services, but to give them the adequate transparency - underlines representative of the operator.

Due to the introduced standards of services for e-commerce shipments, ROHLIG SUUS Logistics also ensures regular training of drivers and employees in the mark of direct contact with the customer. This provides an uniform and high level customer service and contributes to creating a positive image of the e-shop.


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