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Home appliances industry trusts ROHLIG SUUS Logistics


ROHLIG SUUS has begun distributing home appliances for another manufacturer - Indesit. Thus, the operator's client portfolio includes companies, which together account for over 60% of the Polish sales market. This makes ROHLIG SUUS a leader in logistics service in this segment.

According to the data posted on the website of CECED Poland, the home appliances market in Poland counts seven main players, who form 85-90% of the Polish market. ROHLIG SUUS, signing the agreement with Indesit and extending the contract with Whirlpool, currently supports five of them and thereby is the undisputed leader in the distribution of household appliances in Poland, serving both the supply of traditional and home deliveries. For the part of the producers the operator also runs a central warehouses.

ROHLIG SUUS provides distribution and warehousing services, among others, for such companies as Bosch, Siemens, Gaggenau, Zelmer, Whirlpool, BEKO, Indesit, Electrolux.

Indesit with ROHLIG SUUS Logistics

Cooperation between Indesit Company and ROHLIG SUUS Logistics covers national FTL and groupage deliveries across all sales channels, both traditional and online. Indesit needs an operator which efficiently handles all its domestic volume, regardless of the size of the shipment, the place of delivery and the recipient's profile. The company had to efficiently carry out both types of supplies, to retail chains on Polish territory and so-called home deliveries - deliveries with the option of bringing in the home appliances purchased by individual consumers online or in traditional stores.

- Currently a big challenge for producers, including the home appliances industry, is logistics service that supports simultaneously multiple sales channels - traditional and online. Customers expect that the chosen company will provide them with the full package of services on warehousing space and, in contrast to the couriers, to deliver shipments of a wide span of dimensions – from the products transported without use of pallets such as fridges, to small shipments such as packages. In addition, customers expect that the operator is able to deliver the goods to retailers, and supports a so-called. home deliveries, which are deliveries to individual customers with additional services such as bringing in and unpacking of the goods, disposal of the old equipment, taking away and disposal of packaging, handling of returns and complaints. In the face of such requirements, the logistics operator has a significant advantage over courier companies. – said Daniel Franke, ROHLIG SUUS Logistics’ Member of the Board.

The fulfillment of these expectations, combined with competitive, for the market conditions, time of implementation and operations start-up resulted in the start of cooperation with Indesit.

- The entire implementation, which means building the processes and testing the interfaces, had to be accomplished in just three weeks. Only ROHLIG SUUS was able to provide such efficient implementation. These were the client’s requirements which we fulfilled. -
said a representative of ROHLIG SUUS Logistics.

Why do customers choose ROHLIG SUUS?

ROHLIG SUUS has cooperated with home appliances industry for several years, gradually building its strong position on the market of household appliances. Efficient and reliable service the operator provides through:

  • support of products of a wide span of dimensions - from the type of products transported without use of pallets, such as washing machine, fridge, to packaged shipments,
  • support of all sales channels - traditional (retail chains, wholesalers, home deliveries) and online (services for e-commerce customers),
  • cost optimization and high availability of products thanks to simultaneous support for multiple sales channels on a shared storage area,
  • shortening of the delivery process and reducing the number of reloadings, thanks to direct deliveries from the manufacturer warehouse, instead of stores back-office,
  • efficient execution of services on storage area, thanks to specialized equipment and employees experienced in the operation of home appliances,
  • "white gloves" service, which means the care about the aesthetics of the packaging, creating a desired brand image of e-shop at the final receiver of the shipment


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