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A truly comprehensive logistics provider in 2015


Hello and welcome to the world of comprehensive logistics! That is our New-Year welcome motto. Nothing, that surprises You? Well....

During the past few years the Polish market divided into a fundamental group of specialized companies, which are very strong in certain kind of logistics services - on one side - and into big operators - on the other. Against all appearances there are not so many companies on the Polish market, which are able to provide logistics solutions in their full range and complexity. Especially when it comes to compare the real potential of the companies with the possibilities declared on their websites ...

On the approaching (January 29th) 25th anniversary of our company's operation and presence on the market, we can be proud having implemented the strategy of a truly (not only declaratively) comprehensive logistics operator. In addition to that, since 2006 we are an independent (and at the same time the one and only) Polish logistics company with global possibilities owned by a Polish entrepreneur.

Wishing You all the best for 2015, we invite You to the world of truly comprehensive logistics!

Happy New Year,
Your ROHLIG SUUS Logistics Team

This is how our services look like today:



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